Frozen Time

I was wondering all these days what to blog.... what to blog about???

My friends kept asking me " Birdie why is your blog stagnant?"

Honestly speaking I just dint know what to blog about? There was nothing was worth while or even silly to be mentioned ....

But something happened on the the 26/11 in Mumbai in my country... and I just couldn't stand it any longer.... I had to pen down my thoughts finally.....

I just returned to my city and all this while kept myself glued either to the tube or to the newspapers for the current updates post this trauma....

These was a massacre .... ruthless murdering of innocent lives .... by terrorists in Mumbai.... I kept listening to the news and could imagine the torture these people had gone through in the hands of those few men.....

What they must have felt? What were their thoughts when the gun men entered the building and started to terrorize them? How they must have felt to be cut off from their loved ones ? From the world for that particular time?

Time must have frozen...stretched into hours and for some people into days.....

My heart cries out to those families who have lost their loved ones.
My heart cries out to all those martyr's ....who laid down their lives to save the rest of them and us... I SALUTE you all!!!!!

My heart goes out to you all.. I hope and pray wounds will heal but the scars will always remain never ever to be forgotten..... November November....

For info about the Mumbai attacks click the link below...


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