Rough times

I just thought of scribbling something out here.

I dont know but right now everything is so messed up in my life. Nothing seems to be going right. The more I try to get things straightened it just gets worse day by day. It’s like holding sand tight in my fists only to realize it is slipping away. That’s how I feel my life is, slipping away from my hands. I don’t know what to do, whom to tell, how to tell, where to begin or where to end? Should i? Would everything just turn out to be alright?

My life feels like as though the waves are lashing on the rocks and settling on the sea. Life has its own course. It takes us through difficult times and then shows us the wonderful times. After every difficult moment in life there is a happy moment. Isn’t it?

But then why does it seem that in our difficult times it is very easy to loose all hope on life, on oneself, on friends and loved ones? They say difficult times are to pass and good times are there to stay forever… Why is that during our difficult times it seems as though the whole world has turned against us?

Oh I only wish ….. I so wish…… takes its normal course with lesser problems and more of happiness and joy. I wish the clouds would part away and pour sunshine around….. I wish……. oh I only wish…..


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