
Showing posts from October, 2009


I do not understand why do people criticize so much about weight. I am not talking about constructive criticism; I am talking about destructive criticism. They do not criticize about themselves but find perverse pleasure in criticizing others. Its not even gossip I am talking about but bitching. There are people in my class who go making fun of others who are “over weight” or obese or even plump. Yes I am plump. And no I do not need you to poke me around and tell me “oooo the result of not exercising or too much love for food” Or suddenly look and say “birdie you have grown big” I mean damn you. I know what I am. Have I ever looked at you and said “ dude you are so thin” or “girl I think you do not have a booty at all” no I do not… I shut up and deal with my problems. Honestly thin people stop dishing out advices. We do not need it from you. Mind your own damn business. Not that we have enough problems listening to our relatives and boy friends/girl friends and family giving advice on...